Promoting a culture of responsible drinking

Promoting health & productivity management and a culture of responsible drinking

According the top priority to the promotion of a culture of responsible drinking, as well as the health of the employees who promote that policy, we disseminate information on responsible drinking and conduct activities that promote health and well-being, thus earning the trust of customers and employees. 

The Orion Group has launched a Health & Productivity Management Project Team and is promoting various health & productivity management measures to maintain and promote the health of employees. We also utilize industry-academia collaboration in this regard. 

Orion Group Health Initiative – Declaration of Health & Productivity Management Basic Policy for Promoting a Culture of Responsible Drinking

【Examples of the initiatives implemented by the Orion Group】

(1) Okinawa Prefecture “Health Promotion Award (Ganju Sabira Award)” Runner-up Grand Prix

For more information, click here: “Okinawa Prefecture Health Promotion Award (Ganju Sabira Award) (external site)

(2) “Lifestyle Improvement Program (Blood Glucose Control)”