Risk management

Risk management responsibilities of directors, executive officers, and other executives

The Orion Group has established the Risk Management and Compliance Committee, which is independent of the Board of Corporate Auditors. The committee is chaired by the President who also serves as a director. In this committee, executive officers responsible for divisions and subsidiary presidents share and discuss the Group’s risk and compliance issues. Corporate Auditors and the Project Director of the Office of Internal Audit attend the committee meetings as process supervisors. Independent of the committee, they oversee risk identification, countermeasure formulation, and other processes.

Risk Management and Compliance Committee

President and CEOHajime Murano
Executive  Vice President and CFOHiroshi Kameda
Managing Executive OfficerKeiichi Yanuma
Managing Executive OfficerPatric Dougan
Executive OfficerMakoto Taruoka
Executive OfficerNorichika Tsuchitani
Executive OfficerTsuyoshi Narishige
Executive OfficerAkihiko Koto
Executive OfficerKenichi Yamamoto
Standing Corporate AuditorSunao Tomoyose
Note1: As of July 1, 2024
Note2: Executive Office Kenichi Yamamoto assumed office on June 27, 2024.