Corporate governance

This page provides information on the governance structure of Orion Breweries, Ltd.  (as of July 1, 2024).

Details about Directors

NamePositionExpertiseOther directorships
Hajime MuranoPresident and CEOManagement in general, overseas business· Representative Director, K.K. DeAgostini Japan
· Representative Director, Schick Japan K.K.
· Outside Director, Japan Entertainment Inc. (to present)
· Outside Director, Japan Entertainment Holdings, Co., Ltd. (to present)
· Chairman of the Board, Ishikawa Distillery Inc. (to present)
· President and Representative Director, The Orion Hotel Co., Ltd. (to present)
Hiroshi KamedaExecutive Vice President and  CFOManagement in general, finance· Outside Director, Japan Entertainment Inc.
· Director, Ishikawa Distillery Inc. (to present)
· Outside Director, Ryukyu-Shiryo Pte Ltd.
· Outside Director, SECOM Ryukyu Co., Ltd.
Chulmin OhOutside DirectorCorporate investment, business management, business strategy· Director, Meiko Shokai Co., Ltd.
· Managing Director, Head of Corporate Investment and Head of Business Support, Nomura Capital Partners Co., Ltd. (to present)
· Outside Director, Nihon Suido Consultants Co., Ltd.
· Director, The Orion Hotel Co., Ltd. (to present)
Takaomi TomiokaOutside DirectorCorporate investment, management in general· Co-head of Carlyle Japan LLC (to present)
· Outside Director, AZ Electronic Materials (Japan) K.K.
· Outside Director, Shionogi Qualicaps Co., Ltd.
· Outside Director, Moncler Japan Corporation
· Outside Director, Solasto Corporation
· Outside Director, The Oyatsu Company, Ltd.
· Outside Director, Sunsho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
· Outside Director, Meisui Bijin Factory Co., Ltd.
· Director, The Orion Hotel Co., Ltd. (to present)
· Outside Director, Rigaku Holdings Corporation (to present)
· Outside Director, KANAMEL Inc.
· Outside Director, IWASAKI ELECTRIC CO., LTD. (to present)
Taichi YokozawaOutside DirectorLiquor industry, sales, marketing, management in general・Executive Officer, Asahi Breweries, Ltd. (to present)
Shiro IkedaOutside DirectorLiquor industry, management in general・ Director, Asahi Breweries, Ltd.
・ Director, Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd.
・ Director, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
・Director, LOTTE Asahi Liquor Co., Ltd.
・ Director, Asahi Breweries USA, Australia, Malaysia, Jakarta, etc.
・Director, chuo ad-shinsha, Inc.
Fusako ZnaidenOutside DirectorMarketing・ Board Director, McDonald’s Holdings Company (Japan), Ltd. (to present)
・ Board Director, Senior Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, McDonald’s Company (Japan) Ltd. (to present)
Masako ArakawaOutside DirectorFinance and real estate industries, corporate governance, management in general· President & CEO, AMC Advisors, Co., Ltd. (to present)
· President & CEO, Machi Asset Management, Inc.
· Outside Director, WISDOM ACADEMY Inc.
· Outside Director, GFOOT CO., LTD.
· Director, Institute of Corporate Governance, Japan (to present)
· Outside Director, RICOH LEASING COMPANY, LTD. (to present)

Board of Directors

The composition of the Orion Group’s executive team is as follows.

Number of
Number of
Number of
independent Directors 
Orion Breweries, Ltd.823
The Orion Hotel Co., Ltd.400
Ishikawa Distillery Inc.700
*As of July 1, 2024

The number of times each committee meets per year

The Board of Directors Regulations stipulate that “Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least once a month. Extraordinary meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held from time to time as necessary.”

The table below indicates the number of meetings held in the most recent fiscal year.

Meeting bodyYear ended March 31, 2024
Board of Directors20 times
Nominating and Compensation CommitteeAlcoholic beverage business field: 5 times
Hotel business field: 1 time
Board of Corporate Auditors10 times
Risk Management and Compliance Committee4 times
*As of March 31, 2024

Attendance at Board of Directors Meetings

Regular meetings are held once a month. Held on an ad hoc basis as necessary. 

ClassificationNameNumber of
Attendance rate
President and CEOHajime Murano20/20100%
Executive Vice President and CFOHiroshi Kameda20/20100%
Outside DirectorChulmin Oh20/20100%
Outside DirectorTakaomi Tomioka16/2080%
Outside DirectorTaichi Yokozawa18/2090%
Outside DirectorShiro Ikeda20/20100%
Outside DirectorFusako Znaiden18/2090%
Outside DirectorMasako Arakawa4/4100%
Standing Corporate AuditorSunao Tomoyose20/20100%
Outside Corporate AuditorHidenori Sugiura6/6100%
Outside Corporate AuditorKengo Niimi4/4100%
* As of July 1, 2024
* Director Masako Arakawa assumed office on January 12, 2024.
* Corporate Auditor Hidenori Sugiura assumed office on November 1, 2023.
* Corporate Auditor Kengo Niimi assumed office on January 12, 2024.

Attendance at Board of Corporate Auditors meetions

Established in July 2023. Scheduled to meet once a month.

ClassificationNameNumber of attendancesAttendance rate
Standing Corporate AuditorSunao Tomoyose10/10100%
Outside Corporate AuditorHidenori Sugiura5/5100%
Outside Corporate AuditorKengo Niimi3/3100%
* As of July 1, 2024
* Corporate Auditor Hidenori Sugiura assumed office on November 1, 2023.
* Corporate Auditor Kengo Niimi assumed office on January 12, 2024.

Attendance at Nominating and Compensation Committee (Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage business)

ClassificationNamePositionNumber of attendancesAttendance rate
ChairmanTakaomi TomiokaOutside Director5/5100%
MemberHajime MuranoPresident and CEO5/5100%
MemberChulmin OhOutside Director5/5100%
* As of July 1, 2024

Attendance at Nominating and Compensation Committee (Hotel business)

ClassificationNamePositionNumber of attendancesAttendance rate
ChairmanTakaomi TomiokaOutside Director1/1100%
MemberHajime MuranoPresident and CEO1/1100%
MemberChulmin OhOutside Director1/1100%
* As of July 1, 2024

Attendance at Risk Management and Compliance Committee

Orion Breweries, Ltd.  started to hold the committee regularly in April 2023. Scheduled to meet once a quarter.

ClassificationNameNumber of attendancesAttendance rate
President and CEOHajime Murano4/4100%
Executive  Vice President and CFOHiroshi Kameda4/4100%
Managing Executive OfficerKeiichi Yanuma4/4100%
Managing Executive OfficerPatric Dougan4/4100%
Executive OfficerMakoto Taruoka4/4100%
Executive OfficerNorichika Tsuchitani4/4100%
Executive OfficerTsuyoshi Narishige4/4100%
Executive OfficerAkihiko Koto4/4100%
Executive OfficerKenichi Yamamoto0/0100%
Standing Corporate AuditorSunao Tomoyose4/4100%
* As of July 1, 2024
* Executive Office Kenichi Yamamoto assumed office on June 27, 2024. 

Number of days from the date of the notice of convocation of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders to the date of the meeting

The Articles of Incorporation stipulate that when a general meeting of shareholders is to be convened, notice thereof shall be given at least one week prior to the date of the meeting.

Board oversight and deliberations

a) Conflicts of interest

Regarding all contemplated transactions, including transactions with related parties, Orion Breweries, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) implements the required processes in accordance with internal rules. According to the size and importance of the transaction, the Company receives a review from a professional perspective, including financial, accounting, tax, and legal matters, and obtains the necessary approval before undertaking a transaction. The details of transactions are regularly audited by the organization in charge of internal audits and are available for inspection by the Corporate Auditors at all times. Whenever a Director engages in a transaction with a conflict of interest, the transaction is subject to approval by the Board of Directors in accordance with laws and regulations.

The Company has established the Related Party Management Regulations by resolution of the Board of Directors and has a system in place to appropriately control transactions with parties that have special relationships with the Company. Based on these regulations, prior to starting a new transaction, a counterparty check is performed by checking against the related party list. Moreover, a report is made annually to the Board of Directors on related party transactions, including such matters as the necessity of the transactions and the appropriateness of the terms and conditions.

Furthermore, the Board of Corporate Auditors, which meets monthly, monitors matters resolved by or reported to the Board of Directors, including a) and b) above, and reports any problematic issues to the President and the Board of Directors.

Periodic evaluation of effectiveness of the Board of Directors

The Company evaluates the effectiveness of the Board of Directors annually to determine whether governance is being properly implemented and whether it is leading to medium- to long-term enhancement of the Group’s corporate value. The evaluation is conducted by the Company’s Directors and the Board of Directors Secretariat, and evaluation by a third party is planned for the future.